Alright, I saw this on another forum. It's a game and it's called The Truth Hurts...
technically this is what is going to happen. Members sign up through a special sign up thread (probably posted in either announcements-probably) and members get asked specific questions by other members. A member that asks a question gets an opportunity to ask 10 questions to each member. The catch is the member being asked the question has to answer each question; regardless of the question asked. Questioning and will only last for 4 days however, and answering will last for 3. That gives us an even 7 day count
Basically this is a summary of the rules
You can only post 10 questions per member
the amount of questions asked through the entire thread doesn't matter, just as long as you don't post beyond 10 questions.
I'll notify everyone when the questioning period is over
If you can't handle the questions answered, simply don't sign up for it...
if you agree to sign up for it, you have to answer EVERYTHING you are asked
if you are willing to try out, sign up